Monday, November 12, 2012

The World According to Glenn...

Continuing the Conversation...

Last week I described how places we have lived, the things we have seen, the conflicts we have resolved--or abandoned--largely determine our values and perspective on the world.

I recognize my experiences in education may be different than most, so thought it important to share how two great influences have shaped the priorities I have for schools and the game plan at LMP.

Growing Up In Silicon Valley & Coming of Age in a Global Society

For me the world changed when my family moved to San Jose, California:

  • We lived just a few blocks from where Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs were inventing the first Apple computers in their garage.
  • Silicon Valley was beginning to take shape: Engineers, risk-takers, and dreamers were moving in to lead the revolution in information technology.
  • Intel, HP, Apple, Yahoo, Google, and later Facebook, Twitter, Zynga and Angry Birds followed, and the world has never been the same.

Family and friends were involved in that revolution, and from them I learned the power and importance of innovation. To see things anew, to think differently, to add improvements to something that already exists, that is the spirit of innovation.

In Silicon Valley young and old alike seek out opportunities to innovate and celebrate new ideas when they arrive. This spirit transcends age, gender, race, and political or religious belief, and the world is richer--in countless ways--as a result.

Schools need to teach students how to innovate, not merely study how others have innovated. The desire and ability to innovate is a survival skill in the 21st century.

Schools need to be places where students grow ideas and learn to harness their power, both for utilitarian and humanitarian good. This is the spirit of innovation. We learn math and science and languages in school for a reason—not only for our own growth and career ladder success, but to contribute to the vast library of human knowledge and find ways to put it to good use.

How do we get started? We start small and find things within reach. The potential to innovate is inborn in each of us; it is a creative response that comes naturally and can be trained to high levels.

One of the first steps is to become fluent in innovation. Just as in languages, we start by giving names to things. When we name, we recognize. Have you ever noticed how you see more birds flying overhead if you know the different species? Or see a play unfold by a football team if you know the players’ names and their positions? Otherwise, without basic naming, that flock of birds taking flight or that football team racing down the field is just a mass of movement.

Let’s give naming a try. Check out this exciting example from marketing guru DannyBrown.  Here we see innovation as a chess match between two European automotive titans, Audi and BMW. Click on the caption to see the story unfold.

Two Awesome Examples of Marketing Done Right...
Boasting its newest model, Audi posts a billboard publicly challenging rival BMW.  BMW seizes the moment, innovates with the perfect response and plants a billboard right across the street. AUDI counters with a knockout punch, only to be upstaged one more time by BMW.

Innovation is seen in both companies as they rise to the challenge of the moment. They spy a new opportunity to respond; they see something anew.  Recognizing how they can build upon their reputations as tastemakers and trendsetters, they take the chance and zing! the effect is impressive. This is innovation.

Closer to home, let’s name how Lake Mary Prep students use innovation for a higher cause:
  • Grade 10 student Briana Bloss identified early in her educational career a wish to support breast cancer awareness.
  •  Rather than simply fundraise for the cause, Briana instead built an entire campaign to increase awareness, student and parent involvement, and ever growing support for a therapeutic spa at Florida Hospital.
  • Her innovation--to reach out with new ideas and add to something already in place—continues to inspire everyone Briana comes in contact with. In turn, these students are crafting innovative strategies to build upon ideas and causes they believe are important.  

Next week we’ll explore further student innovation at LMP and the multiplier effect it has.

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